Tour of the building – part 2

Come through the entrance doors, turn right through the double doors and you are in the main room.

This is a 3m x 5m space with a single window on the short outside wall adjacent to the door. The ceiling rises between 2.4m and about 3.6m at the highest (I guess – I’ve not measured it yet!).

The dividing wall has an opening into the loft space above the other rooms, which in due course will have some sort of door to close it off – and stop overly inquisitive children (of all ages) trying to get up there!

At the far end, is my desk – actually formed from my old desk and a second desk from work – these are modular units that seem to have been designed to fit the space I have available! I will be adding some work surfaces for printers, the scanner and various other things, then a shelf or two above that for storing disks, books and music.

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